Hi there; Birdie here!
So, what happened last week before symposium? Not too much. I went to the Happy's run on Tuesday, after which there was an extended happy hour special for us vet students. 3 of my Pathfinder group members showed up, too, and I would have loved to stay...but unfortunately since I was leaving Thursday and knew I would be too busy to study over the weekend, I had to go home and study. I also had a bird to feed last week; I had to switch with the undergrad student who was feeding earlier since I was scheduled to feed over the weekend when I was at symposium. So instead, my shift was now Monday through Thursday. My bird this time was Lucy, a Mississippi kite, which is a really pretty blue-gray bird. She was really good, too--very nervous, but she fisted well for me every time. One morning I even had to walk across the room with her on my arm to put her in a travel cage so I could clean her cage, and she was not as bad as I feared. I hope I get to feed her more (and more than Sydney who tried to attack me!).
Symposium itself was pretty good. I'm pretty sure I want to go again next year, although I'll definitely try to register earlier so I can 1) be in the same hotel it's in and 2) get actually wet wetlabs. The only wetlab I got this time was a client communication one that was basically just two lectures that I had to travel to CSU's campus for. It turned out pretty well, though--the vet who gave one of those talks also gave a talk on the last day, and I went up and talked to him afterwards. Gave him my card, said thanks for doing communication stuff, told him how my thesis was on that, and he offered to introduce me to Dr. Shaw, who does a lot of research in this area. Which reminds me, I still need to email him...
Besides that wetlab, I went to a bunch of lectures: business-type things, secure hemostasis, virology, Parvo research... all sorts of stuff. And the nights were for social activities. The first night I intended to get there in time for the opening ceremony, but the shuttle from the airport started later and took longer than I expected. According to my classmates who did go, I didn't miss much. Then there was a bar crawl thing--we each got a "passport to Fort Collins" detailing certain deals that some places downtown had for us as well as a $15 gift card good for most places downtown. First place I went (with a couple of fellow LSU-ers and another SAVMA delegate the two of them knew) was a bar called the Drunken Monkey, which had swings instead of bar stools! It was cool, especially since we went there at like 7 and it wasn't crowded. Then we went to get food, and that was very much no longer the case. The first place we went for a burger deal, there were so many people that we tried somewhere else. Which turned out to be a poor choice; it was just about as crowded AND apparently the workers didn't know there was going to be this symposium. It was CSU's spring break, and they were short-staffed, which was VERY short-staffed with how many people we were (symposium had ~1600 attendees, though I'm not sure how many attended that event). Also, it was an Irish pub, so I was really disappointed when my "What kind of cider do you have?" was answered with "Woodchuck." That's it. In actual Ireland, they had at least 3 varieties of cider that weren't even apple (I got a blackcurrant one for my 21st birthday). We had to wait an hour for food, and eventually it was so crowded and I was so uncomfortable that I just left, leaving my gift card on the table to cover my stuff. I only drank like 3 sips of my Woodchuck, too (not a fan). I wish we'd gone to the Melting Pot for the $15 chocolate, cheese, and drink special instead... I wound up leaving at 9 and just went to bed.
That was Thursday. Friday night was much better. There was a casino night at some theater place. I learned how to play craps, and won 16 imaginary dollars. They gave us each $500 to gamble with so that we didn't have to use our own money. Craps was really fun! Our dealer introduced himself as Bruce, but his nametag said DJ Bruce so we called him DJ all night. He was a lot of fun, teaching us how to play the game and joking with us. I gave him a high five when we cashed out. Saturday night was the closing ceremony, which had really nice food (although I didn't eat much because the beef was really rare for me). Some people went out afterwards, but I wasn't feeling it, especially since I had to wake up for a 6:40 shuttle to the airport.
Oh, btw, I got an email: I didn't get the summer NASA program. I'm pretty much okay with that, though. It was my least favorite since I'd have to find housing in Houston. Plus it has set start and end dates, and now I get to pick my start dates, which means I get to go to Hawaii with my family at the beginning of summer!
So I finally got my car fixed yesterday. The maintainance light was on, so I got an oil change and my tires rotated, and I finally got my cracked windshield replaced. And it didn't lose me my 2-year brake tag that I just got last summer! This week so far I've been studying anatomy really hard, but I really need to work on bacteriology since we have our first exam Friday. We also started Pathology this week. I really liked the first lecture, but today I was having trouble paying attention. How much repetition there was from yesterday didn't really help. I still need to watch a bacteriology lecture and an anatomy lecture that I missed for symposium. Oh, and today I'm finally doing something for Josh Project (despite being a committee member...)--today I'm going to Our Lady of the Lake Hospital to deliver some kits!
By the way, my Pathfinder group did play without me. Apparently it was like a sidequest, and the DM has an idea for what my character was doing during it. I'm still looking forward to this weekend! I might also be doing a scout's day with VOICE (diversity club) on Saturday and Spay Day on Sunday, but since it's the weekend before our anatomy final (Final EVER!) I haven't decided yet.
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